Pharmaceutical Company: Migrating Content From a Legacy System to OpenText Documentum for Life Sciences R&D With Limited Metadata

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A global generic and specialty pharmaceutical company had the challenge to migrate all their submission-based data from their current OpenText Documentum D2 application to the new OpenText Documentum for Life Sciences R&D solution. The source system support contract was reaching its expiration date and had limited capabilities and functionalities compared to the Research and Development solution.


Global Pharmaceutical Company


Technologies / Services

»fme has been a trusted partner for migration for many years. The migration to OpenText Documentum for Life Sciences Research and Development solution posed many challenges and the enrichment of our data was critical. With the use of fme services and migration-center, we achieved a successful project and a unified R&D platform.«
Project Manager
Global Pharmaceutical Company
Case Study | Pharmaceutical Company: Migrating Content From a Legacy System to OpenText Documentum for Life Sciences R&D With Limited Metadata

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